Company Library

  • Added a new ‘description’ field on memos that will display below the memo name and date in the Company Library to provide assigned users additional context.
  • Added the option to mark a memo as essential, meaning a crewmember will not meet the Fit-To-Fly checks initiated when filing a new flight if they have not acknowledged all essential memos.
  • Added ability to export all filled forms when Form admin permissions are granted. This was limited to Super Users and Form creators in the past.
  • Fixed issue where users with hidden roles were being included in Certificate .csv reports.


  • Resolved issue editing booking legs using the right click options in schedule module.
  • Booking history hyperlink showing previous versions of a booking restored to normal functionality.
  • Fixed issue adding passengers added to legs greater 1 on multi leg bookings.
  • Fixed issue copying booking from before the Daylight Savings Time change to after the time change.

Maps and Charts

  • Canadian NOTAM, GFA and Satellite data restored via hotpatch.