
Cirro’s integration with TRAXXALL allows pilots to pull technical dispatch information from TRAXXALL into the flight itinerary process. This includes a list of all next due items as well as the overall aircraft status for each major component such as airframe, engines, and auxiliary power units.

Information collected within Cirro during the flight is captured in the resulting flight report and is sent back to TRAXXALL to update the component values accordingly.

How to setup
Provide Account URL, API Key and Password to AirSuite Support

Contact AirSuite support ([email protected]) to enable API access. We will enter the API Key into your account credentials.

Synchronize Aircraft Flight Log Volume / Page Settings

Once AirSuite Support has confirmed your API access with Cirro you can continue onto this step. As a Cirro Admin (superuser) go to Admin Tools > Manage TRAXXALL Integration.

How to use
Create a New Flight

The first integration point is during the technical dispatch workflow for the Pilot. When they go to Create a New Flight and select the aircraft, they will be met with the aircraft details presented from TRAXXALL. The tracking fields that are shown are the same fields you are tracking specific to that aircraft in TRAXXALL.

Flight Reports

At the end of the flight, the pilot enters the Flight Report module and enters the details of the flight for billing and tracking. After the Leg Details page, the integration will pull the most recent information from TRAXXALL for that aircraft.

It will display the following information (if available):

  • Last Update Date and Time
  • Recent Inspections
  • Next Due Inspections
  • Next Due Maintenance Per Counter
  • Data from Flight Report
  • Legs
  • Flight Time
  • Air Time
  • Flight HOBBS
  • Maint HOBBS

Update and confirm the times by selecting Sign Technical Record. The update fields presented in Cirro are set in TRAXXALL on a per aircraft basis. Once the record is signed, select Update Aircraft Times and the entry will be applied in TRAXXALL.