Change Log

Cirro 24.13.0

Company Library

  • Added a new ‘description’ field on memos that will display below the memo name and date in the Company Library to provide assigned users additional context.
  • Added the option to mark a memo as essential, meaning a crewmember will not meet the Fit-To-Fly checks initiated when filing a new flight if they have not acknowledged all essential memos.
  • Added ability to export all filled forms when Form admin permissions are granted. This was limited to Super Users and Form creators in the past.
  • Fixed issue where users with hidden roles were being included in Certificate .csv reports.


  • Resolved issue editing booking legs using the right click options in schedule module.
  • Booking history hyperlink showing previous versions of a booking restored to normal functionality.
  • Fixed issue adding passengers added to legs greater 1 on multi leg bookings.
  • Fixed issue copying booking from before the Daylight Savings Time change to after the time change.

Maps and Charts

  • Canadian NOTAM, GFA and Satellite data restored via hotpatch.

Cirro 24.10.1

Passenger Manifesting

  • Fixed issue where passengers associated with Archived Clients were not properly displaying when the Not Assigned (N/A) dropdown filter was selected.
  • Added the ability to filter by, and add passengers, from all system clients when creating an itinerary, flight report, or scheduled event. The filter will default to the selected client, but can be changed to view all or any other passenger grouping.


  • Fixed issue where default aircraft rates with a decimal assigned in Admin Tools / Aircraft Maintenance / Aircraft list were being rounded to the nearest whole value in the quoting module.
  • Fixed issue generating a quote when the Passenger Manifesting module was deactivated.
  • Fixed rounding error when using per mile billing options.
  • Fixed tax value rounding error.


  • Fixed issue where users were unable to create an invoice from a completed quote.


  • Fixed issue managing passengers on a per leg basis within scheduler events.

Cirro 24.10.0


  • Fixed an issue preventing the copying of bookings.


  • Fixed an issue preventing the copying of quotes.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the adding of legs to quotes.

Cirro 24.8.0

Passenger Manifesting

  • Added additional prompts to notify pilots of users that may have been missed when using the bulk briefing tools in Passenger Manifesting / Brief Passengers.
  • Resolved issue using Client dropdown to sort passengers in Flight Itinerary or Flight Report module.


  • Passenger manifests can now be managed within and added to quotes. This combines with the “create scheduler event from quote” features to maintain per leg passenger rosters through to the Scheduler, Flight Itinerary, and Flight Report.
  • A quote can now be used to generate a scheduler event, a flight report, or both. This flight report or scheduler event will use the same client/job, aircraft(s), routing(s), and passenger manifest(s).
  • Quote emails and online review/approval hyperlinks are now available in French and English.
  • Fixed issue with quote display in emails to external contacts.
  • Fixed issue with external quote-approval signature pad.
  • Fixed issue with quote summary cost values when billing by distance.


  • Invoice emails and online review hyperlinks are now available in French and English.

Company Library

  • Changed the label ‘Integrations’ to ‘Training Courses’ when editing a certificate’s details.


  • Custom colours can now be assigned to events in the scheduler. Head into Admin Tools->Scheduler Options to find the new ‘Scheduler Categories’ section and generate colour-coded categories. After this, any event in the scheduler can be assigned to a category to match the assigned category colour.
  • Added workover hours display along with reporting via Cirro API.
  • Resolved issue with scheduler booking acknowledgements.

Flight Duty Times

  • Fixed issue with CAR700.103(e) applying the 365-Day Flight Time Limit to medevac operations.

Cirro 24.6.0


  • Improved wording for offline item text to include the number of offline items waiting synchronization.

Company Library

  • Improved text notification to admin if incorrect credentials were added when linking a Verity DG training account.
  • Removed/hid incessant pop-up that would occur when a user accessed the Company Library module in an offline state.

Clients & Jobs

  • Fixed bug where users were unable to copy clients and job lists.

Cirro 24.4.0

Passenger Manifesting

  • A thorough overhaul of the passenger manifesting code base was completed over the holiday season, with a focus on improving stability in offline or intermittent connections. This includes passenger briefings, and significantly increased the frequency at which Cirro attempts to save briefings performed online and offline. For example, when briefing multiple passengers at once, Cirro no longer waits until the end of all passenger briefings to lock in the briefings. The briefings are now saved immediately upon completion for each passenger in the list. See below for more features added during this overhaul.
  • Added the ability to save the passenger manifest as part of an itinerary template.
  • Added ability to filter by client when viewing the passenger list in Manage Passengers.
  • Added ability to add new passengers directly through the Brief Passengers section of the module.
  • Added ability to report on passenger manifests in greater depth via the new “Flight Operations Report” within Admin Tools->Reports
  • Improved passenger filtering when adding passengers to a client-specific manifest (all eligible passengers are now grouped together).
  • Improved syncing of changes made to existing manifests.
  • Fixed issue with the display of individual passenger details when viewed within the Manage Manifests section.
  • Fixed issue where in some cases the same passenger could be added twice to a single manifest.

Admin Tools

  • Added “Flight Operations Report” to allow more in-depth data extraction possibilities on flight itinerary, flight report, passenger manifests, and more.

Flight Duty Times

  • US Admin FDT Report now shows days free from duty in the past quarter, 2 quarters, and calendar year.
  • Within US Admin FDT Report, a crewmember operating under Part 91, Part 137, Part 135.271 HEMS will now display total flight time and rest day values for the past quarter, two quarters, and calendar year.
  • Under Canadian 702/604/406 regulations, the summary for 703/704/705 limits will now be displayed before entering duty times if activated in the user’s FDT Defaults.
  • Patched issue with Canadian 703/704/705 Next Day Off prediction tool.

Flight Reports / Clients & Jobs

  • Patched an issue where Flight Reports created for a Job later marked as finished were listed with ‘Undefined’ client and job information in the admin sections of the Flight Reports module.
  • Aircraft linked to WinAir Maintenance System can now set the Volume and Page number through Cirro when updating the technical records in the Flight Report phase.

Weight and Balance

  • Fixed an issue where W&B kit items were displaying an incorrect arm value due to rounding, although the correct values were still being used for calculations.

Company Library – Certificates

  • Fixed formatting issue on iOS with certificate record file attachment icon.

Cirro 23.51.0


  • Adjustments with more than two decimal values are now displayed in full on the final invoice.

Flight Duty Times

  • Average flight time for Canadian 703/704/705 operations can now be auto-calculated based on inputted flight legs. Users must ensure their FDT Defaults are not set to “Day VFR” for this feature to activate.
  • Fixed bug with ‘FT Total’ column for Unknown Aircraft in Pilot Information Sheets.
  • Fixed an issue where some FDT default settings such as logging, and certain hide / show settings were not properly saving.
  • Added warnings for 28 and 365 day hours of work limits under Canadian 703/704/705 operations when inputting duty only days.

Flight Reports

  • Fixed an issue where the flight report leg input screen would load to leg 1 when adding passengers or manifests to other legs resulting in unnecessary scrolling.
  • Fixed an issue that would incorrectly link leg DOWN and UP times when the ‘No Shutdown’ option was used and the aircraft was tracking air time only.

Maps and Charts

  • Fixed issue with weather-related colour coding of aerodrome icons.

Passenger Briefings

  • Passenger briefing status now maintained between itinerary legs which carry the same passengers.

Automated Actions

  • Reports that are run with 0 results are now included in the ‘Automated Actions History’ tab.
  • Recipients for reports run with 0 results now receive an email notification.

Cirro 23.49.1

Weight and Balance

  • Fixed issue with weight and balance initiation when default fuel loading value was lower than an aircraft’s starting fuel weight.

Company Library

  • Fixed an issue where deleted users certificate data was still showing in .CSV exports

Safety Management

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases safety admins would not receive a notification of a Company Wide SMS report.

Cirro 23.49.0

Flight Itinerary

  • Added a display of current leg flight time, and total itinerary flight time in the top header of the flight leg details page.
  • Added ‘No Shutdown’ option between legs captured during the flight on the flight leg details page. This is intended for the scenario where no STOP time or START time needs to be captured between legs, as there was no shutdown. The inputs from the itinerary flight legs and corresponding shutdown status will also be reflected in the Flight Report.

Flight Reports

  • Patched issue importing Flight Report hours to Flight Duty Times where PIC values would erroneously populate in the SIC field.

Fuel Caches

  • Added an ‘Out of Service’ indication for fuel caches. This can be applied when making a cache update from within the Maps and Charts module, or from Admin Tools / Manage Fuel Caches.


  • Fixed misleading warning text which would show “day off required” when scheduling a crewmember despite no such requirement.