Cirro 23.48.0
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the use of the drag and drop function for all file input sections.
- Fixed an issue where images taken using an iPad within the Cirro file input section were not being saved.
- Fixed an issue where a 500 error was presented to the admin when bulk assigning tags to some users.
Flight Itinerary
- Added the option to manage what additional itinerary fields are shown or hidden for a group. Fields such as VIP Flight, Emergency Equipment Options, Timezone, etc, can now be shown or hidden for your group by heading into Admin Tools / Itinerary Options and Alerting Thresholds.
- Added the option to allow crews to file an itinerary with zero fuel in order to view total useful load.
- Fixed an issue where the ETA time listed in the itinerary emails was showing the incorrect timezone offset.
Flight Reports
- Added additional options on what data elements can be shown or hidden from the crews, or hidden on the final flight report presented to the client. These options can be enabled or disabled per job.
Passenger Manifesting
- Added the option for passengers briefings to expire within hours, ranging from 1 – 23 hours as daily expiry options already exist. This new feature allows operators to account for clients that require their passengers be briefed for each flight.
- Added to option to ‘Remove All Passengers’ when passengers are assigned seating locations in the W&B module, or on the per leg W&B entry. This allows you to quickly drop off all passengers and make them available for seatings assignment on future legs.
Fuel Cache Tracking
- Added Fuel Cache notification type to Admins Tools / Reports / Notification Log filters.
- Fixed issues in the flight report automatic update of fuel cache values and historical logs.
Maps and Charts
- Updated ICAO airport codes.
Automated Actions
- Fixed an issue where an error message would appear when deleting an expired automated action.
Safety Management (SMS)
- Fixed an issue where users in a disabled state would still receive email notifications from the safety management system.
Cirro 23.47.0
Company Library
- Added a ‘Future Forecasting’ ability to all certificate views to mimic the expired, and upcoming certificate status for future planning. This can be accessed through the filters icon in any user or company certificate view.
- Added integration with Verity DG’s instance of LearnWorlds LMS.
- Added the option to automatically enroll newly added Cirro users into AeroStudies LMS so that those new users did not have to be duplicated in the AeroStudies Learning Centre prior to course assignments.
- Fixed issue that was preventing signatures from being viewed on filled Forms.
Flight Duty Times
- Fixed issue applying the CAR702.93 split duty logic for 702 operations.
- Fixed issue uploading .cirroFDT file with the “import my personal information and emergency contact info” checkbox selected.
- Fixed an issue where photos uploaded from a mobile device were showing the file name of ‘undefined’.
- Fixed an issue where file upload requirement text was not being displayed properly on smaller mobile device screens in portrait mode.
User Accounts
- Fixed issue saving any updates to a new user’s mailing address.
Flight Reports
- Fixed an issue that would cause some Global Flight Report CC contacts to be duplicated on certain flight reports, resulting in duplicate emails being sent to those contacts.
Passenger Manifesting
- Fixed an issue where the per-leg passenger count would default to one passenger if all passengers on the leg were actually removed.
Cirro 23.45.0
Flight Reports
- Client/Job and Crewmember dropdowns will no longer null out if the “create new flight report” button is selected very quickly on first load of the app.
- Fixed issue where per-leg Custom Fields were being hidden on ‘Leg 1’ in select scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where some flight reports could no longer be viewed by admins if the reporting user changed their Cirro chat name (i.e. Bob Smith to Robert Smith).
Flight Duty Times
- Removed yellow highlighting for overnight rest hour requirement.
- Days off in last 90 logic under Special Authorization 722.96 updated.
- Updated logic to improve calculations for 8 hour single pilot limitations in the last 24 consecutive hours.
- Removed single pilot earliest available flight duty period comments for dual pilot operations.
- Fixed an issue that was only allowing FDT reports to be viewed and exported for the last 365 days. All available records are now capable of reporting and export.
- Improved wording of pop-ups related to Timezone Discrepancies; both for daily entry and homebase changes.
- Improved handling of single vs. dual pilot leg information for IFR single pilot 8 hour flight time limitations for 604 and 702 operations
- Fixed an issue that was preventing 700.29(1)(d) rest time violations from appearing in certain cases, and added additional early warnings for users approaching limits.
Company Library
- Fixed issue to display users added phone numbers on internal company contact card.
- Fixed issue with naming alternate email addresses on internal company contact card.
- Fixed issue with duplicated phone numbers in listed internal contacts.
Automated Actions
- Fixed issue where running an expired action resulted in duplicate email notifications and files for download.
Cirro 23.43.0
User Accounts
- Added “User Last Seen” field shown on the user overview page, indicating the user’s last sync.
- Fixed issue with admins updating a user’s primary email address.
- Fixed issue where hidden users were appearing in active pilot lists in Flight Itineraries, Flight Reports and Admin FDT Update Tool.
Company Library
- Fixed issue with exporting user certificate records to .zip files.
- Fixed issue opening certain file types multiple times in succession.
Flight Duty Times
- Patched erroneous warning related to the 4 single days free from duty requirement per CAR 700.29(1)(c)(ii).
Flight Itinerary
- Flight Itineraries in a warning state can no longer be extended longer than 72hrs via phone call touch tone.
Flight Reports
- Email addresses added to the ‘Custom Email’ field on in-progress flight reports will now be saved between syncs.
- Resource mode view timeframe is now retained on refresh instead of defaulting to month view.
Cirro 23.39.0
- Resolved issues clearing Required Offline Content pop-up for Airport Database.
Flight Reports
- Fixed issue with ‘View Flight Report’ link included with notification email when no signature is required.
- Fixed issue with billable custom field information being hidden from the ‘Description’ field on invoices.
Flight Duty Times
- Added sync icon to Admin Update Duty Times page to indicate a background sync is in progress.
- Fixed issue with Unforeseen Operations Circumstances toggle disappearing in overnight entries.
- CAR 700.29(1)(c) logic regarding duty-only days updated to withhold violations until a Flight Duty Period is completed/inputted.
- Overnight Reserve Availability Periods can now be entered without issue in certain edge cases.
Passenger Briefing
- Patched edge case that could cause accidental deletion of passenger briefing form templates.
Company Library
- Fixed error with renaming or deleting a Resource folder.
- Fixed display error when uploading or deleting a Resource.
- Fixed issue downloading .kmz files from a booking.
Cirro 23.38.0
- Improved verification process when changing email address.
Flight Duty Times
- Daily Flight Duty Time Summary emails are now delivered at midnight local time in lieu of midnight UTC.
- Added Flight and Duty limit warning thresholds to the in-module ‘Info’ pop out.
- US Operators capturing block time are now presented with the option to import flight time or block time on FDT import to better account for fixed wing and helicopter operations.
- Added ability to use acclimatization logic under CAR 700.28(5)(c), moving by one timezone per 24hrs towards current timezone of operation. Navigate to FDT Defaults to find the new 24hr option labelled “daily adjustment”.
- Added warning for 24hr free from duty requirement in any 168hrs per 700.29(1)(c)(i).
- Patched issue saving specific Flight Duty Defaults; namely average flight time, flight leg amount, display of custom duty rule dropdown, and display of 703/704/705 summary options.
- Updated logic under CAR 700.29(2) with regards to switching between 60hr and 70hr maximum work week.
- Change made to reserve work hours calculation per CAR 700.29(3)(a) to include all reserve hours of work counted at 100% after a flight duty period is initiated.
- Updated logic under CAR 700.40(2) with regards to split duty day rest requirements.
- Fixed issue with Unforeseen Operational Circumstances CAR 700.63(3) for extended rest period requirements.
- Fixed calculation issue with non-flight duty days being counted as days off within the 90 day days-off calculation.
- Updated rest time logic when switching between regulations on back to back duty days with different rest time requirements.
- Restored access to “Unforeseen Operational Circumstance” toggle in all medevac scenarios.
- Added additional notifications for crews tracking NVIS/NVG currency to notify them 2 weeks prior to losing passenger and essential crew carrying capabilities.
- Added additional notifications for crews tracking IFR currency to notify them 30 days prior to their Instrument Proficiency Check no longer being valid (Canada only).
Flight Itinerary
- Fixed an issue where certain file types could not be opened post-flight in the Flight Itinerary reports attachments section. Previously affected files have also been restored.
Personal Itinerary
- Email notifications updated to show UTC/local timezone where applicable.
Passenger Manifesting / Weight and Balance
- If passengers are assigned to a flight, or specific flight leg, those passengers and their known weights can now be assigned to a seating location in the leg weight and balance section.
- Patched an issue where Passenger Briefings performed on a flight report would not save.
Maps and Charts
- Attempting to upload PDF map with no ground control points now triggers error message indicating as such.
- SOPFEU Grid expanded to 55N Latitude.
- Added ability to indicate that a fuel cache has access to an auxiliary power unit (APU).
- Booking history now includes actions taken via resource mode drag & drop.
Admin Tools
- Added ‘Show All’ and ‘Hide All’ buttons in the Billing and Invoicing report options.
- Emergency Contacts can now be added for Internal Contacts (Users) without a physical address and email address.
- Fixed issue where users could be added with duplicate crew codes.
- Fixed issue with Pilot Information Sheets where reported flight times would not always update per the “Select Report Period” dropdown menu.
Company Library
- Weekly email notifications related to certificates are now delivered at midnight local time in lieu of midnight UTC.
- When multiple records are added to a certificate with no fixed expiry date, the most recent time the certificate was updated will be displayed along with least recent.
- Patched issue updating or adding new Resource folders
- Patched issue updating Company Contacts info (both internal and external).
- External Contacts can now be added without a physical address and email address.
- Fixed an issue where assigned certificates would not show for admin interaction if the assigned user(s) were still in a disable state, pending password reset.
Flight Reports
- Flight Report modification log updated to include any changes made to the FR. This replaces the previous behavior where the log would only display outgoing emails related to the Flight Report.
- Added filters to allow sort by aircraft and crewmember in the Admin and Archived tabs.
- App generated Flight Report PDFs no longer cut off portion of signature image.
- Flight report, invoice, and quote emails can now be sent to custom addresses with any arrangement of spaces before or after the semi-colon splitting multiple addresses.
- Fixed issue where non-admin users were unable to delete ‘Private’ Tasks.
Cirro 23.33.0
- Weekly summary emails are now delivered at Monday, midnight, in the user’s preferred timezone.
- New users added through the Cirro interface will now be prompted to reset their password on their initial login to further promote system security.
- Users and aircraft may now be filtered by department in the schedule module. A department must be associated to at least one client in order for the department filters to apply, and this is in addition to any base filters but can be applied independent of base filtering. Please contact Cirro support for a further tutorial if interested in sorting by department.
- Deleted tasks are no longer displayed in the calendar.
- Deleted users are no longer displayed in resource mode or “staff associated with booking” section.
- Aircraft and Crew may now be sorted by Department if at least one Department is associated to a Client in the Clients & Jobs module.
Company Library
- Admins can now combine multiple status filters when exporting certificate results. For example, Expired + Upcoming.
Flight Itineraries
- Capabilities (such as expired TDG training) requiring an admin override during the creation of a flight itinerary now file the itinerary to a PENDING state allowing admins to review and approve or deny the requested action. This is similar to the Flight Release process followed for Flight Risk Assessments.
- Interary ETA Time input toggle made more apparent as switch-able between Local and UTC time.
- “Itinerary Filed” email notification now includes timezone of expiry/return time inputted by crewmember.
Clients & Jobs
- Fixed typo in client setup page.
Admin Tools
- Fixed colour/visibility of ‘back button’ in user accounts’ batch edit tool.
- A crewmember’s assigned departments can now be managed within Admin Tools->User Accounts->(select user)->Staff Details. Find the new Departments section to assign or remove a user from departments.
Cirro 23.29.2
- Newly created users are now prompted to update password on first log in.
- Fixed password reset UI to no longer imply that users were required to reset their passwords indefinitely.
Flight Itineraries
- Patched issue where editing the amount of time to add to a warned itinerary via phone touch tone would compound and
over-extend return time.
Personal Itineraries
- Patched an issue where copies of Personal Itinerary emails were not being sent to admin users selected to receive
Flight Duty Times
- Flight Crewmembers are now able to add future entries to their own FDT records for planning purposes, simply select a
day in the future and update as needed. If FDT Daily Defaults have been set, these will auto-populate for the
appropriate days as future entries are added. - CAR 700.29(1)(a)&(b) limit calculations updated with regards to split duty days; the mid-day break is no longer
counted towards the hours of work limit calculations per updated guidance from Transport Canada. - CAR 700.29(2) 70hr work week applicability updated to account for 120hr free from duty reset in all scenarios.
- Patched edge case regarding Unforeseen Operational Circumstances and rest required under CAR 700.133(2).
- Flight Time values “hidden” in an inactive split duty FT field are no longer counted towards 30 day FT calculation
- Fixed an issue where take-offs and landings registered under a CAR 604 or 702 entry were not being counted towards
passenger carrying day and night currency (CAR 401.05) - Added 28-day Duty Time report for Kenya Operators.
- Fixed an issue with saving ‘Dual Pilot’ default entry settings.
Company Library
- Increased size of drag and drop file upload area in all upload areas of the Company Library module.
- Improved Resource and Memo synchronization when new tags are added for users with otherwise up-to-date EFB.
- Changing filter settings no longer causes temporary “double up” of bookings.
Cirro 23.27.1
Maps & Charts
- Fixed issue loading offline charts.
- Fixed issue with Ontario MNR grid overlay.
Cirro 23.27.0
- Added UTC option when entering time of day within FDT, Schedule, Itinerary and more.
- Improved offline handling of Flight Itinerary and Flight Report data on intermittent connections. Low bandwidth mode toggle available at the bottom of Cirro’s home page is strongly suggested when using a remote satellite connection, or in areas of intermittent connectivity.
- Fixed an issue that was not allowing some Android users to access the app after a logout cycle.
- Fixed an issue where overdue itinerary alerts phone calls were coming through as an unknown caller and would end the call. This includes general improvements to the touch tone response options that now allows you to select a touch tone option at any time without waiting for the automated dialog to end.
- Fixed an issue where the logout button would not appear on smaller mobile devices in portrait mode if there were any offline items pending synchronization.
Maps and Charts
- Upgraded mapping engine software, Mapbox to version 2.15.0. Changelogs available here.
- Upgraded SOPFUE grid with enhanced labelling and improved scaling at various zoom levels.
- Increased size limit of waypoint file uploads from 10MB to 50MB.
Flight Duty Times
- CAR 700.29(1)(d) logic updated to properly reflect when the 70hr work week is available.
- Removed erroneous warning for Canadian 703/04/05 time free from duty requirements that would sometimes appear on a 702 regulation entry.
- Added coloured header bar on FDT entry page to assist with overall visibility on some devices.
- CAR 700.29(3)(a) logic updated to show proper hours of work amounts with mixed RAP (Reserve Availability Period) and RDP (Reserve Duty Period) days.
Company Library
- Made it possible to add manual pass, fail, and percentage results to a certificate.
- Forms with Quality Control enabled may now be exported by the form filler.
- Renamed label when sorting tasks in filter
Flight Reports
- Added time zone information to flight report preview page and generated PDFs.
- Updated international timezone database for airports that were originally listed with an unknown timezone.
Cirro API
- Added Personal Itinerary reports to Cirro API output options.