Webinar: Admin Reporting for Audit Compliance

Join us for a 60-minute live webinar to learn more about Cirro’s new flight operations reporting tool
60 mins | April 4th 2024 | 1:00 pm EDT/11:00 am MTN

This webinar is best for:

  • Ops Managers
  • Admin Users

In this Cirro Webinar we’ll take a closer look at the admin reporting tools available to Admin & Super Users. Anticipate a thorough run down of our new Flight Operations Reporting tool; a quick and easy way to export aircraft, department, passenger, client, and pilot specific information to CSV. We’ll also cover some of the standard reporting tools including the User Activity Log, Notification Log, Billing and Invoicing, and more. The floor will be opened up for pointed questions specific to reporting in Cirro towards the end of the webinar.