Cirro 23.27.0

by | Jul 4, 2023 | Changelog


  • Added UTC option when entering time of day within FDT, Schedule, Itinerary and more.
  • Improved offline handling of Flight Itinerary and Flight Report data on intermittent connections. Low bandwidth mode toggle available at the bottom of Cirro’s home page is strongly suggested when using a remote satellite connection, or in areas of intermittent connectivity.
  • Fixed an issue that was not allowing some Android users to access the app after a logout cycle.
  • Fixed an issue where overdue itinerary alerts phone calls were coming through as an unknown caller and would end the call. This includes general improvements to the touch tone response options that now allows you to select a touch tone option at any time without waiting for the automated dialog to end.
  • Fixed an issue where the logout button would not appear on smaller mobile devices in portrait mode if there were any offline items pending synchronization.

Maps and Charts

  • Upgraded mapping engine software, Mapbox to version 2.15.0. Changelogs available here.
  • Upgraded SOPFUE grid with enhanced labelling and improved scaling at various zoom levels.
  • Increased size limit of waypoint file uploads from 10MB to 50MB.

Flight Duty Times

  • CAR 700.29(1)(d) logic updated to properly reflect when the 70hr work week is available.
  • Removed erroneous warning for Canadian 703/04/05 time free from duty requirements that would sometimes appear on a 702 regulation entry.
  • Added coloured header bar on FDT entry page to assist with overall visibility on some devices.
  • CAR 700.29(3)(a) logic updated to show proper hours of work amounts with mixed RAP (Reserve Availability Period) and RDP (Reserve Duty Period) days.

Company Library

  • Made it possible to add manual pass, fail, and percentage results to a certificate.
  • Forms with Quality Control enabled may now be exported by the form filler.
  • Renamed label when sorting tasks in filter

Flight Reports

  • Added time zone information to flight report preview page and generated PDFs.


  • Updated international timezone database for airports that were originally listed with an unknown timezone.

Cirro API

  • Added Personal Itinerary reports to Cirro API output options.