Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Canada)
- Added the ability to create Equivalency Certificates (EC) to all items that are forbidden for passenger transport, forbidden for all transport, over acceptable volume/mass limits, extended aerial work operation types, and other exemptions not defined by the system. They can be managed by a DG Admin in the DG module / Settings and Configurations. As the EC work continues, all Helicopter Association of Canada (HAC) offered EC’s will be made available as a templated option.
- Added the ability to resend emails to collect missing manifest signatures and additional sign now options available in the Manifest Reporting section.
User Admin
- Fixed issue with batch edit function for base assignment.
Flight Itinerary
- Fixed issue uploading an offline-filed itinerary.
- Fixed issue with manual leg route inputs “division by zero”.
Flight Report
- PDF attachment no longer displays in landscape mode unless explicitly set as such.
Flight Duty Times
- Fixed issue when importing overnight (transiting 2359-0000) flights from a flight report.
Safety Management
- Keywords are now sorted in alphabetical order consistently throughout Cirro.