Cirro 23.23.0
Flight Duty Times
- Rest requirements under CAR700.120 for overnight flights are now computed correctly
- Loading a short time frame in the Admin FDT Report no longer causes an error
Company Library
- Added protections to certificates using capabilities with admin overrides so that they require a responsible person to review the override requests.
- Patched an issue with booking notification emails displaying improper timezone
- The ‘Note’ field is copied alongside the rest of the booking
- “Temporarily Disable Change Notifications” now does what it says
Admin Tools
- Clients and Jobs are now populating as expected when trying to assign / unassign them to user in batches
Third Party Integrations
- Added support for Manual Associations between LMS records and Certifications
Cirro 23.22.0
- Capabilities tab in Admin Tools / User Accounts has now been renamed to Permissions to better reflect its use.
- Updated notification prompts and handling of expired verification codes for users attempting to update or verify their email address / username.
- Added option to Personal Preferences to allow users to log out of all devices on their account. The same option can be initiated by an admin in Admin Tools / User Accounts.
- Added notifications and system protections to ensure that at least one user in the group is enrolled to receive system critical notifications. For example, all users cannot unsubscribe from overdue aircraft notifications.
Passenger Manifesting
- Patched issue updating passenger briefings via flight following module for an offline itinerary.
Flight Duty Times
- Added a quick link to admin FDT update tool from the schedule. Simply right-click on a booking and select the Edit FDT option for any assigned pilot crews.
- Viewing currency report with a previous date selected in the FDT calendar view once again displays currency as of that date.
- Fixed an issue where the ‘NOff’ Next Day Off date was showing the current date for 703/04/05 regulation entries.
- Added option to select Custom FDT rules as part of the FDT default settings.
- Added an option for users to unsubscribe from their own Flight Duty Time Warning and Violation emails.
Time Sheets
- Fixed an issue where time sheet admins could not process and approve records without having associated expense permissions.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Air)
- TDG Air Training Records have been migrated from Admin Tools / Dangerous Goods Settings to an automatically generated certificate in the Company Library. TDG Level of Training and expirations can be managed through this new certificate. This is part one of an ongoing rework of our TDG module aiming to maintain compliance with regulatory changes, and increase usability in real world scenarios. More exciting information to come as things progress.
- Added a quick link to admin FDT update tool from the schedule. Simply right-click on a booking and select the Edit FDT option for any assigned pilot crews.
- Added a ‘Notes’ field that is independent of all information on the booking. Information added here will not be removed through any subsequent booking changes.
- Scheduler filters are now retained on system refresh, no longer requiring scheduler admins to reset their preferred view on each entry to the system.
- Per Leg Passenger Manifest updates now properly save when accessed via right click or edit booking page.
- Hot Patched issue updating planned legs from Resource Mode right click menu.
- Fixed issue updating booking legs when default passenger manifest is added without any per-leg passenger additions.
Flight Reports
- When creating multiple flight reports in one session, “Email Flight Report to PIC & SIC” checkbox will no longer erroneously display as selected when it is not.
- Removed access to passenger briefing signature images from Flight Report quick view due to intermittent app crashing when running iOS 14.6.1(a).
- Fixed an issue where users assigned to global jobs were not able to access them via the job dropdown menu when creating a flight report.
- Patched issue filing global job expenses.
Field Gear Tracking
- Fixed an issue where information contained the Field Gear CSV export was shifted over by a column if the item information contained a comma.
- Deleted users no longer appear in the user selection dropdown in Admin Expenses.
Risk Assessments (FRAT)
- Admin report for risk assessments can now be filtered by form name and operation type.
Flight Itineraries
- Added new Flight Itinerary permission level of ‘None’. Users assigned with ‘None’ level Flight Itinerary permissions will not be able to access the module.
- Fixed issue with offline itineraries failing to upload once back online.
- Passenger briefings may now be completed through flight following module via itinerary edit page.
Personal Itineraries
- Fixed issue where Tier 1 users were receiving Warning emails for personal itineraries that had not yet reached the Tier 1 alerting threshold.
- Weekly summary email now shows past incomplete tasks.
- Tasks which are in a deleted, completed, or incomplete & deleted state no longer show on weekly summary report.
- Fixed edge case with monthly repeating tasks available for 4 weeks ahead of due date.
- Future scheduled tasks now show up for task creator.
Admin Tools
- Restored access to Manage Flight Templates.
- Added new Flight Itinerary permission level of ‘None’. Users assigned the ‘None’ level Flight Itinerary permission will not be able to access the module.
- Fixed an issue where users with reporting or admin level access to Flight Itineraries were not able to view weight and balance, risk assessment, or TDG manifest linked to a historical flight record.
- Restored access to Manage Client/Enterprise Sharing.
Cirro 23.20.1
Passenger Manifesting
- Passenger’s briefing records created when the device is offline now synchronize when the device comes back online.
Cirro 23.20.0
- Restored access to view-only page for Scheduler Admins
- Patched issue displaying Job text on booking icon when looking at calendar
- Restored ability to create staff scheduler events
Cirro 23.19.1
Flight Itinerary
- Added a new feature allowing users to identify a responsible person for flight following from within their organization. If a responsible person is selected this user will receive the same WARNING level notification as the pilot prior to the itinerary expiring, followed by OVERDUE alerts to tiered response users. If a responsible person is not selected, the overdue alerting system will function as normal with OVERDUE notifications being sent first to Tier 1 level users, followed by subsequent tiered response users.
- Passenger # field now updates per manifest amount.
Flight Duty Times
- Improved action button layout for smaller device screens
- Fixed issue with default entry settings where changes to input options were not applied.
- Fixed issue with calendar not displaying blue color for working only period on mid day rest duty entries
- Fixed an issue where the Next Day Off and Next Day Off Limit text in the summary was showing references to 703/04/05 prescriptive limits for 604 and 702 dates.
- Fixed an issue where rest time violations would not appear after consecutive flight duty periods not meeting time free from duty requirements between each FDP, reference CAR 700.120
- Fixed an issue where rest time violations would appear too soon after 3 consecutive >12hr flight duty periods, also with reference to CAR 700.120
- Fixed an issue where consecutive hours free from duty were not displaying correctly in the rest table presented to medevac operators for compliance with CAR 700.119
- Fixed an issue where 703/04/05 ‘Hours of Work’ warnings would appear in the summary for 702 operations.
- Fixed an issue where standby periods, and flights withing a standby period were not being properly colour coded in the FDT calendar view.
Flight Reports
- Patched root cause of issue where flight reports would get stuck in an uneditable state
- Fixed an issue where flight reports timezones were defaulting to UTC if the option to Generate a Flight Report# was selected in the itinerary process.
- Fixed issue for clients with Passenger Manifesting to allow manual input in number or passenger fields.
- Restored functionality on Client and Job dropdown filters in Flight Reports overview page
- Resolved issues where invoices for clients with multiple email addresses were unable to send.
Itineraries – Passenger Briefings
- Patched issue with saving briefing records for passengers added to open flight itineraries.
Admin Tools – General
- Patched issue where Super Users and Admins were unable to delete a Base
Cirro 23.17.0
Flight Duty Times
- FDT colours updated to enhance visibility of flying legs vs duty period, standby, reserve, future scheduled events, and more. A colour key detailing these updates is now available in the FDT module by selecting the information icon at top right. Hovering over a colour on desktop will also display the label.
- FDT defaults have been made easier to manage and update in daily settings, the gear icon found at top left of the update duty page. Crews can also set their usual hours of work to be auto-filled for specific days of the week.
- Improved overnight flight visibility on calendar view.
- Fixed issue adding certain special characters to the comments section of a flight duty entry.
- Removed erroneous 703 warnings from 702 Heli-Log only crewmember’s FDT Summary Emails.
- Removed erroneous hours of work violations for duty only days when a Flight Duty Period was not assigned or accepted under CAR 700.29.
- Duty entries associated with a Flight Report now include a clickable link to view the FR.
- Removed all rest requirements between work-only days in Canadian FDT Regulations.
- Updated rest requirements and predictor for max FDP exceedance scenarios under CAR 700.40(2).
- Updated rest requirements for consecutive flight duty periods under CAR 700.120.
- Fixed overnight rest issue with split-duty aerial application rules in CASS 720.16(5).
- Fixed manual FDT entry issue causing Number of Flights input to not be recognized when populated via the Leg Details.
- Resolved issue totaling Flight Time when importing consecutive overnight Flight Reports to FDT.
- Fixed typo on initial FDT settings medevac rest input field.
- Patched issue with rest violations between Part 135.267 flights.
- Fixed a rounding issue that would occur on some decimal inputs in the experience tracking fields.
- Patched display issue for Private Pilot times where day appeared to start at midnight in calendar overview.
- Improved overnight flight time validation to reduce accidental “doubling up” of flight time.
- Fixed an issue that would allow users to enter flight time without establishing a flight duty period when using the clockpicker time input method.
- When performing medevac flights, the most restrictive flight time limit is now displayed.
- FDT module will now export a backup CirroFDT file when a new file is imported to allow users to revert back to previous state if needed.
- Added additional protections to notify users on logout if any FDT records failed to sync and will be lost on logout, allow additional actions to resync.
- Modified FDT Sync logic to continue sync if an issue is detected, and notify the user with the date of the effected record.
Flight Reports
- Passenger Manifesting now available on Flight Reports, either per report, per leg, or a combination of both.
- Patched edge case with “send email for signature” function not working after removing prior in-app signature.
- Added clickable link to view flight reports related to a calendar date in the Flight Duty Time module.
- Multi-booking crew selection per aircraft no longer displays previously assigned crews multiple times.
Passenger Manifesting
- Passenger Manifesting now available on Flight Reports, either per report, per leg, or a combination of both.
- Resolved issue with storing new passengers and briefing records when passengers are created and briefed via the open itinerary process.
- Changed ‘active’ checkbox in new passenger creation to be turned on by default.
Field Gear Tracking
- Fixed an issue where field gear notification emails indicated the wrong recipient.
Task Management
- Non-repetitive tasks can now be set to have limited visibility prior to a future due date.
- Added information in task creation to notify task creators when the task will become available, and how many times it will repeat (if applicable).
- Added priority level to tasks, and options to filter by assigned priority.
Personal Preferences
- Fixed ‘Application State’ pop up on iOS devices.
Admin Tools – Reports
- Admin Duty Times report no longer includes 1 day outside of specified parameters.
- When adding new users, crew code field no longer displays “code in use” error when left blank
Cirro 23.14.0
Task Management
- Added new Task Management Training Tutorial to video library, also available here
- Added a notification to admins if they assign a task to a user that does not have permissions to access the Task module
- Added the ability for users to verify tasks directly from the ‘To-Do List’
Company Library
- Fixed an issue where incomplete records would register as ‘missing’ if an associated LMS linked training module was unpublished
Flight Duty Times
- Patched an issue where Flight Duty Time email summaries were not being sent
- Copying booking or re-assigning aircraft within booking no longer drops any planned itinerary legs
Cirro 23.13.0
Billing and Invoicing
- Added ‘Aircraft Type’ column to Billing and Invoicing Report and Cirro API
Company Library
- Fixed issue creating new Validity Rules within Certificates
- Improved User Permissions Report
- Added the ability for AeroStudies LMS training modules to be automatically relinked to their original training certificate if they were unpublished, and subsequently republished
Flight Following
- Patched issue where Spidertracks position icons displayed groundspeed in m/s instead of kts
Cirro 23.11.0
Clients and Jobs
- Adding multiple crew members to multiple jobs for multiple clients is now possible via the bulk user-update tool in admin tools->user accounts
Flight Duty Times
- Resolved issue with Hours of Work calculation when switching between Canadian Flight Duty Regulations
- Fixed issue with Night Duty applying for CARS 700.29(2)(d)(i) before requirements have been met for Night Duty
- Resolved issue importing Flight Duty Times from a Flight Report with 3 or more crew listed
- Updated “Duty Time Sync Failed!” error text to include more detail on repairing duty module
- Updated Canadian Heli-Logging flight time limits to only apply on 30 day and 365 day intervals per CASS 722.92(2)
- Fixed issue applying CASS 722.92 non-overlapping period in certain scenarios
- Fixed issue where IFR currency was not being recognized, referencing an invalid Instrument Proficiency Checkride which was indeed valid
Passenger Manifesting & Briefings
- Fixed issue with passenger briefing record being dropped from new manifests on itineraries
Company Library
- Fixed issue that was blocking .csv exports of Company Certificate user status reports
- Resolved issue with AeroStudies integration that blocked some users from enrolling in linked courses
- Untagged users with upcoming or overdue certificates will now display in the respective column regardless of tag status when filters are set to display unassigned certificate records
- Certifications associated with an in-progress depublished AeroStudies course no longer mark record as complete
- Patched issue with User Permissions Overview not displaying direct user capabilities
Maps and Charts
- Updated airspace layers to include new and updated airspace boundaries
Safety Management
- Patched issue updating company policies, objectives, and accountable executive info
User Admin
- Updated Bulk Select tool interface, can now assign users to multiple clients and jobs
- Cirro logo updated app-wide per re-branding
Cirro 23.10.0
Flight Duty Times
- Fixed an issue for US FDT users causing some Canada-only fields to show up in the interface
Safety Management
- Changing the responsible executive no longer locks up the application