by | Apr 15, 2024 | Corporate News

Today, Cirro by AirSuite launched the first, one-of-a-kind digital Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) module in partnership with Verity DG Consulting Inc. The new module is now included in the Cirro by AirSuite Operations Flight Management System.

It has been an incredible effort that has been in development for a full year, with an emphasis on regulatory standards and compliance, and detailed development that seamlessly integrates to benefit air operators in Canada. With the new tool, a common average acceptance can be completed in five minutes’ time.

According to a Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement of the “Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 (Part 12 and International Harmonization Update)” significant updates are expected between 2022 and 2031, some of the regulatory changes specific to air operations include: aerial work and fire suppression activities, limited access activities, consumer commodities, requirements for record keeping, and reporting requirements. This new tool and service includes updates to DG digital manuals and training that currently apply to all air operators in Canada. You’ll also have access to expertise in compliance, and regulatory updates with in-app notifications letting you know when changes roll out.

The new TDG tool is now included in Cirro’s full suite of flight ops tools and is fully functional both on and offline for operators flying in remote or out-of-service locations; it fully automates and tracks dangerous goods acceptances and rejections, as well as all training, manuals, certifications, and items onboard your aircraft at all times.

Benefits of Cirro + Verity TDG:

• Constant compliance, the TDG module is continually updated to changing regulations.
• Compliant with competency-based training requirements
• Digital access to Verity’s integrated manuals and training programs
• Digital access to searchable dangerous goods database and emergency response guidebook (available offline)
• Verity’s online training courses directly linked in Cirro
• TDG training course completions and expirations monitored through Cirro
• Verity’s acceptance checklists are integrated into the TDG module
• Compliant dangerous goods manifests to support the acceptance process (available offline)
• All TDG records are available on-demand for auditing and compliance

To learn more please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected], or for more details, please visit  and