by | Aug 10, 2017 | App Features

You’ve been there before. A pilot and an engineer are assigned to an early morning booking and plan to meet at the hangar for 5AM. The pilot cancels the flight due to weather and now all of those involved need to be updated of the new flight status.

Fortunately, Cirro users can easily relay the new information to all other associated staff at the click of a button.

How does it work?
By clicking on the item in the schedule view users can review and change the flight status and details. Once modifications are made, any assigned staff will receive an e-mail and text message with the updated status.


Above is an example of the text message that someone would receive once a modification has been made. The booking status is shown at the top, followed by any aircraft assignments, aircraft registration, client name, job and finally the start date/time and end date/time are shown. Using their phone, a user has the option to acknowledge this booking by replying to the text with Ack (start date of booking). Using the example above, a user would respond Ack 2017-12-05.

The email notification lists the same information as the text message but includes further details and attachments associated with the booking. Also included is an .ics file which will automatically add the booking to a user’s personal calendar.

For further tips on how to use the scheduling tool drop us an email at [email protected].