Taylor Swift once said “This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change”. Well said Taylor. In the spirit of those words, we’ve got some new Cirro changes for you to check out. Take a look and let us know what you think, send along any feedback to [email protected].
Map layers
The layers menu in the maps and charts module has some shiny new options. New additions include a lightning strike layer, new weather layers, forest fire data, and MNR and ATS grids.
New dashboard notifications
We have recently released the notification dashboard, a more expedient and efficient way for you to stay up to date on Cirro changes and account notifications. Look for the bell icon near the top of the screen. Hooray for new features!
History tracking for scheduled items
Who changed the details for tomorrow’s scheduled flight? The scheduler now includes a history log regarding changes made to scheduled items. Navigate to the scheduler and click on a particular booking, scroll down to the bottom and review the booking history.
Admin users can enter flight duty time for pilots
Sometimes admin users need to update a pilots flight duty time. Well admin users rejoice! You can now enter or update flight duty times for pilots by simply clicking into the admin module and selecting ‘Update Pilot Duty Times’ from the menu of options. Once you select a pilot you can then enter or update their times.
Adjust alerting thresholds
The alerting system sends notifications when an itinerary has expired and hasn’t been closed. Admin users can update the alerting threshold for pilots as well as all other tiers, effectively changing when the notifications are sent out.
New route planning tool
During the flight creation process, users have the choice to optionally attach a route plan to their itinerary. If you’re familiar with this process, you may notice a new feature upon toggling on the route map option. Users can now choose between attaching a route plan manually or through the interactive map. The manual option is a quick, no frills alternative that allows users to attach the essential route plan information in just a few clicks.